Euroshareholders (the European federation of shareholder associations) and its Belgian (VFB and Investa), Luxembourger (INVESTEAS) and French (ADAM et FFCI) members point once again to misleading information communicated to the non-insider shareholders of DEXIA shortly before the disclosure of projects to dismantle it.
In particular, less than three months ago, the European banking regulator released the results of its “stress tests” which ranked DEXIA as the twelfth best European bank out of a total of 92 in terms of capital requirements.
The representatives of the small European shareholders ask the European, Belgian , French and Luxembourger public Authorities to ensure this time the equal treatment of all shareholders, in particular in terms of information, consultation, and offers on securities and assets of the DEXIA Group.
Press Release Dexia - 07-10-2010 (374.63 kB 2011-10-09 04:31:03)