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Conferência: Consumer Protection and Supervision in in the Financial Services

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Conferência "Consumer Protection and Supervision in in the Financial Services" terá lugar no próximo dia 18 de Junho, no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP), promovida pela ATM (Associação de Investidores Portugueses) em conjunto com o Centre for Organisational and Social Studies of Polythechnic of Porto (CEOS.PP).  

O evento conta com um vasto programa, onde serão abordadas, entre outras, temáticas os "crytoassets", "modelo de regulação e supervisão do sistema financeiro", "Brexit", etc.

Será dada a possibilidade à assistência de colocar perguntas aos diversos oradores, assim como será dada oportunidade à comunicação social de entrevistar qualquer um dos oradores presentes em local e momento a programar de acordo com as solicitações.

A conferência tem serviço de interpretação inglês-português-inglês.

O programa é o seguinte:



 Conference, at ISCAP/P.PORTO

18 June 2018 Main Auditorium


8:30 am to 9:30 am

Registration and Reception

9:30 am to 10:00 am

Opening Ceremony

Dean of ISCAP – Fernando Magalhães

President of ATM – Octávio Viana

Director of Research Centre – CEOS.PP – Amélia Silva



10:00 am to 11:05 pm

Cryptoassets (30 minutes)

Martin Schmalzried - Advocacy Manager of COFACE - Families Europe and expert member of Financial Services Users Group (expert groups in the European Commission).


Taxation in Cryptocurrencies (20 minutes)

José Amorim, João Ferreira & José Azevedo – Associate Professor, Dean of Scientifc Council and Research in CEOS.PP; Master Student and Cryptocurrency Trader; Associate Professor in Mathematics, Research at CEOS.PP.


11:05 am to 11:30 pm

25 minutes – coffee break

11:30 am to 12:40 pm

Robo-advisors (25 minutes)

Aleksandra Maczyska – Executive Director of Better Finance and expert member of Financial Services Users Group (expert groups in the European Commission)


Smart contracts (25 minutes)

Paulo Duarte – Lawyer, University Professor, Vice-president of the regional council of Porto of the bar association


12:45 pm to 2:10 pm




2:10 pm to 4:20 pm

The reform of the Supervision Model of the Financial Sector in Portugal and in the EU, considering the new developments in the EU financial sector (Brexit, financial conglomerates, mis-selling, etc.). (30 minutes)

António Júlio de Almeida – former president of the Portuguese Association of Consumers and User of Financial  Products and Services (SEFIN), economic adviser of Mário Soares, as prime minister and president.


Brexit & Risk Outlook (20 minutes)

Mick McAtter – Co-Director of The Financial Inclusion Centre, Chair of the anti-poverty charity Z2K, Deputy Chair of the General Consumer Council of Northern Ireland, board member of ShareAction, board member of Registry Trust, expert member of Financial Services Users Group (expert groups in the European Commission), former board member of the Financial Conduct Authority/Financial Services Authority, and former Chair of the FCA’s External Risk and Strategy Committee.


Non- Performing-Loans and the prudential supervision at the cost of the consumer (30 minutes)

Rym Ayadi  – Professor of International Business and Finance, Director of the International Research Centre on Cooperative Finance at HEC Montreal and Honorary Professor at CASS Business School at the City University in London, and expert member of Financial Services Users Group (expert groups in the European Commission)


NPL’s em Portugal (20 minutes)

Carmina Pina – Lawyer at Linklaters, expert in capital markets and corporate law, focused on cross-border and national equity and debt capital markets transactions and corporate restructurings.


4:20 pm to 4:45 pm

25 minutes – coffee break

4:45 pm to 5:50 pm

Switching and cross-border purchase of financial products and services (25 minutes)

Vinay Pranjivan – Expert in consumer protection on financial services on Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (DECO), and expert member of Financial Services Users Group (expert groups in the European Commission), former policy expert in consumer protection and financial innovation at European Banking Authority (EBA)


Provisions on switching of the payment account directive (25 minutes)

Malgozarta Feluch – Policy officer at Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union DG, European Commission, former senior specialist at Polish Securities and Exchange Commission.


5:50 pm

Closing Ceremony – João Rocha – Dean of P.PORTO


Last Updated on Monday, 11 June 2018 16:45  



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